Young Voices 2025


28th February 2025

Last night we took 27 Alveston children to take part in the world’s largest choir, ‘Young Voices’ at the BP Pulse Arena. We made up a choir of 4682 children and the singing was phenomenal! Singing songs including a Bob Marley Medley, Hairspray and Try Everything (from Zooptopia) that we have been learning since September. The children were such a credit to the school – singing their hearts out, watching the conductor, dancing with glee and truly shining. It is a long day with lots of rehearsals but they really supported one another with encouragement and kindness. A huge thank you to every parent who came to watch (we hope you loved it as much as we did), to Mrs Patrick-Walker, Mrs Quainton Stubbs and Miss Mabbett for coming to help us and to the children who made this year's YV a particularly special one. I am so proud of each and every one of you! Mrs Newitt

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