Newsletter 15.3.24


15th March 2024

This week I had the absolute pleasure of joining Reception on their trip to the Lapworth Museum. 
This was their very first school trip and, for many of our children, their first bus journey and museum visit all rolled into one morning. They were fit to burst! 
Watching the children run from cabinet to cabinet, whooping with excitement at every find, firing questions with every step and exclaiming with delight when they spotted the Allosaurus, Ichthyosaur and the flying reptile Pteranodon - whilst sharing their awe and wonder unabashed as they did so - made this a highlight of my year.
The children mingled with Geology university students, studying every bone, rock and mineral as intently as each other. Seeing our young geologists, just starting out on their learning journeys, alongside those potentially nearing the end, was a first for me and was fabulous to witness.
As we returned, the bus was a little quieter, the children exhausted by the exhilaration of their first Alveston Adventure. If they continue to approach their learning with this enthusiasm, I have no doubt Reception Class of 2024 will soar to great heights, just as the pteradactyls who came before them.
Inspired with a new love of learning, I wish you all a wonderful weekend.
Anne Clewley
Head Teacher
Stars of the Week!
Reception ~ Orla
Year 1 ~ be revealed next Friday!
Year 2 ~ Immy
Year 3 ~ Clemency
Year 4 ~ Oliver
Year 5 ~ Willow
Year 6 ~ Hannah
Congratulations to all of our Stars!
Team Cup Winners!
Congratulations to this week's Team Point winners, Avon Blues! Also, a big well done to everyone who earned a team point this week.
British Science Week at Alveston
For British Science Week, Year 6 had a busy one! We studied, 'Ice Core Detectives'. We learnt about Antarctic scientists and how they can discover what happened in the past by drilling into the ice and removing layers. Each day we wrote the temperature and drew the weather on a strip of paper. At the end of the week, we layered the strips of paper to demonstrate how air bubbles trapped in ice cores help us to understand what the climate was like in the past. Our current class topic is electricity, so in addition to learning about ice cores, we researched famous electrical scientists and made posters. We investigated voltage and what happens to a lightbulb when we increase the volts. We also enjoyed going to see our Reception buddies for some, 'buddy science' where we shared our knowledge of circuits and circuit symbols. Finally, we finished the week by sharing our week's learning with Year 5.
Miss Eddy
Year 6

This week, our Year 6 girls’ football team played their second ever football match against Bidford upon Avon Primary School. They were lucky enough to again be playing on the Astro-turf training pitches at Stratford Football Club.

Well done to all of the girls who played. Our Alveston team (Millie, Bella, Serena, Molly, Georgia, Mia, Hannah, Ashleigh, Elsie, Millie, Chloe and Tabitha) were incredibly resilient and determined playing the match in the rain against a team who have been training a lot longer than we have. They gave it their absolute all, were respectful and listened to all the feedback and advice Coach Tom Sidwell gave to them.

Thank you to all families who came to support the girls and to Tom Sidwell for his coaching. Finally, a special shout out to Max, TJ, Oscar and George from Year 6 who made a special effort to come along, support and cheer on the girls!


Year 5 Class Assembly
Last Tuesday, Year 5 hosted their class assembly. They sang the Planet Song, gave a Yoga demonstration and shared a video of their favourite learning memories of Year 5, so far. Well done, Year 5 - you thoroughly entertained us all!

Fabulous Fencing Finesse!

On Saturday 9th March, Harley and Dylan from Year 5, took part in the Novice School Fencing Team Championships at King Edward VI School. Both children attend the SwordKids club that runs every week at Alveston Primary - and have had the exciting opportunity to learn the art of sword fighting at school – and enter this event!

Harley and Dylan had the daunting task of representing Alveston Primary School as a dynamic duo. They competed against much larger teams in their team matches and duelled against numerous schools from across Warwickshire. So brave! 

The boys did a most valiant job in showcasing their fencing prowess and came a staggering third place (amazing!!!) out of all the schools competing and made it to the winners’ podium. They are both so proud of their medals and we are all very proud of them. Well done!


En Garde...this Summer Term!
Have you been inspired by Harley and Dylan's sword-fighting success? Then...look no further! In conjunction with Shakespeare's Swords, SwordKids will be back in action at Alveston Primary this Summer term, teaching the children the footwork and the swordsmanship they will need to be fencing fanatics!
Sign up is now open via the link below:
You can also sign up for fencing holiday training with Shakespeare's Swords. They have fun, friendly camps with top coaches taking place over the Easter Holidays, May Half term and the Summer break. Camp days run from 0900 - 1600. You can sign up via this link:
World Book Day.....continued!
Year 4 had a brilliant day celebrating the written word during World Book Day! They started their day with a World Book Day assembly and then went on to a different classroom to listen to an adult read a book. The children celebrated all the books they have read this year by recreating them. They displayed these on the class door. Packed into our busy day, Year 4 joined in with a BBC live lesson, became illustrators for our class book Odd and The Frost Giant and dropped everything and read their book at the same time as the whole school and listened to an audio book. 
Community Interest 
We post all community events and projects on our website under 'Our Community'. For more information about activities open to you, your family and your local community, please do check the page regularly. With Easter fast-approaching, we already have some information regarding Easter holiday camps: 
Last but not least, you can also find a list of Stratford Food Bank's latest "MOST WANTED" items right here. Please do take a look.
General Reminders
Parking at Drop-Off and Pick-Up
We are so lucky at Alveston that the Football Club allow all our parents who drive to school to use their car park for drop-off and pick-up. This makes it safer for all our children. Please continue to use the Football Club car park. Please do not park on Knights Lane, Oak Road or any double-yellow lines for pick-up or drop-offs. Please also ensure that you do not stop or park within the zig-zag "Keep Clear" markings. This area is marked to keep the flow of traffic moving and to ensure the safety of all pedestrians.
Coronavirus within School
If your child tests positive for coronavirus, please keep them at home for three days or until they are better after three days. Please report all absences to the school office as below.
Sickness and Absence
Please let the school office know each day your child is absent from school by calling 01789 293412, option 1, and leaving a message.  You may also email You do not need to contact us daily if your child is sick/vomits. Absences for sickness/vomiting will be recorded 48 hours from the end of the day your child was last sick (i.e. if sick on Sunday, come back on Wednesday; if Tuesday come back on Friday) nor for COVID absences.  

Medicines in School
We cannot accept medicines in school without a prescription label and a medical form completed by a parent or carer.  Please ask the school office for more information and/or a form via  

Key Information

Don't forget to keep up-to-date with all our School News by visiting: and click on the ‘News’ tab. If you are not set up on the e-schools App, and would like to be, please email for assistance.


Important Dates to Remember 
Key dates for the Spring and early Summer term are HERE!  They have also been added to the website calendar.  You can find information relating to term dates here and teacher-led club dates here:

Spring Term (2)


Celebration / Star of the Week Assemblies



23.02, 1.03, 8.03, 15.03

18/3 Half Term Cup Assembly

Teacher-Led Clubs (4 wks)


19 Feb – 26 Feb








18/3/24 wk


Shakespeare week



Half Term Cup presentation



Easter Service at St James’ (2pm)



Easter bingo



Y4 Trip to Compton Verney



Easter “Bake Off”






EASTER HOLIDAY 25th March – 5th April 2024




Summer Term (1)


Celebration / Star of the Week Assemblies



19.04, 26.04, 3.05, 10.05, 17.05, 24.05

20/5 Half Term Cup Assembly

Teacher-Led Clubs (4 wks)


8 April – 3 May






Non Uniform (Sweet forfeit for Summer Fair)



Bag 2 School



Bank Holiday



KS2 SATs 13th – 16th May

20/5/24 wk


Arts Week



Half Term Cup Presentation



Non Uniform / **SUMMER FAIR**






HALF TERM 27th May – 31st May 2024




Summer Term (2)


Celebration / Star of the Week Assemblies



7.06, 14.06, 21.06, 28.06, 12.07

15/7 Half Term Cup Assembly

Teacher-Led Clubs (4 wks)


10 June – 5 July






New Reception Parents’ Information Evening (6pm)



Parents Reading Together Time



Online Safety Week

24/6/24 wk


New Reception Settling Sessions (Week 1)

1/7/24 wk


New Reception Settling Sessions (Week 2)



Year 6 Leavers’ Play (4:30pm)



Year 6 Residential



Transition Day / Year 5 Residential Meeting (5pm)



Half Term Cup presentation

15/7/24 wk


Healthy School Week



Open Evening



Sports’ Day and Family Picnic



Reserve Sports’ Day and Family Picnic



Leavers’ Assembly



INSET Afternoon. School closes at midday/noon

Healthy Schools 2020
360 ES Mark
Artsmark Gold Award