4th February 2022
Well done to this week's *Stars of the Week*!
Reception ~ Romee-Jo
Year 1 ~ Freddie
Year 2 ~ Layla-Belle
Year 3 ~ Serena
Year 4 ~ Oliver
Year 5 ~ Zak
Year 6 ~ Charlie
Congratulations to all of our Stars! We look forward to announcing more next week.
Coronavirus within school
Please check our Daily Update for key information and case numbers within your class. For more information, please click here, or the website in the 'COVID-19' section, then clicking on 'Daily Update'. Please ensure all parents and carers wear masks in the playground or queuing for drop off and pick up.
Fitt4Kids before and after school clubs
If you are interested in more information or signing up to Fitt4Kids before and after school clubs, please contact Simon directly: fitt4kids@gmail.com - 07731639980 - http://fitt4kids.org.uk/
Safer use of car park and on Knights Lane
Please continue to be mindful of parking and driving in the Football Club car park. Please do not park on Knights Lane for drops offs, the car park is safer for pedestrians as well as families loading and unloading into cars.
Music lessons in school
If you are interested in music lessons, please click here. Warwickshire Music have waiting lists for Guitar, Piano, Flute and Violin, with a few additional pupils they may be able to arrange a teacher to come in, please let them know if you are interested in one of those instruments.
Naming Items in school
Please ensure any items brought into school are named so they can be returned to your child if misplaced. This includes uniform, water bottles, snack and lunch boxes, etc.
Throughout the week lots of different organisations share their news and local activities. These have been saved to 'Our Community' tab on our website and App.
If you are not set up on the e-schools App, and would like to, please email admin3002@welearn365.com for assistance
Wednesday 9th Feb – Year 6 Trip to Sikh Gurdwara
Thursday 17th Feb – Friends of Alveston Committee Meeting
Friday 18th Feb – Break up for Half Term. Returning to school Monday 28th Feb.
To view our calendar with more information and dates, please click here.