Newsletter 21.6.24


21st June 2024

That's better! How lovely to see the glorious sunshine return! Our week has been punctuated by traditional summer events, from school trips to athletics competitions, which are always better when the sun shines too! In many ways, this is a strange term. While we are enjoying all the summer term brings, we are also acutely aware that the academic year is coming to an end and the planning starts for the next. This week we share our teaching teams for next year. We do this with a mix of sadness for those children and adults we will miss so very much and excitement for those children and adults joining us for the first time. Through these changing times and transitions, we know Together We All Shine ... just like the sun this week ... and we will all continue to do our very best to stay present in the moment, so we do not miss a second of Summer Term 2024! 
Wishing you all a wonderful summer weekend,
Anne Clewley
Head Teacher
Stars of the Week!
Reception ~ Theodore & Lara-Rose
Year 1 ~ Blake 
Year 2 ~ Matilda
Year 3 ~ George
Year 4 ~ James
Year 5 ~ Sebastian
Year 6 ~ Felix
Congratulations to all of our Stars!
Team Cup Winners
Congratulations to this week's Team Point winners, Othello Yellows! Well done to everyone who earned a team point this week.
Reading Together Time
It was wonderful to have our families join us in school on Wednesday morning for our Reading Together Time. Many classes were packed full of parents sharing the joy of books and reading with the children. Thank you for joining us - we really appreciate your time and we know how much the children love to have you in their classes. Find out more here about each class's activities and have a peek at some of our lovely photos!
Run, Run, As Fast As You Can.......!
Our book in Reception this week was The Gingerbread Man. It has inspired so much learning including a science experiment.  We dunked a biscuit in water for two minutes and predicted which biscuits would stay strong and not break. We also predicted which biscuits would be weak and break. We had great fun and enjoyed watching the biscuits break in the water! 
Code Breakers!
This week, Year 4 had an exciting visit to Bletchley Park, where they explored the historic huts where men and women cracked secret codes during World War II. Our students had the rare opportunity to use an Enigma machine, one of the few remaining in the world. They also saw the Bombe machine, designed by Alan Turing to crack the Enigma code. Additionally, the children participated in a codes and ciphers workshop, where they successfully cracked Bletchley Park's code. It was an educational and thrilling experience for everyone involved.
Football Fun! 
Last week, Reception enjoyed a free football trial with Toddler Football. The children loved playing different football based games and particularly enjoyed the special huge football. Everyone was very excited to take part!
Science Club Find Rainbows
Take a look here at the colourful experiments that took place in Science club this week!
Alveston Athletes
A huge well done to all the children who took part in the Stratford Field Athletics event on Thursday afternoon. Click here to find out more and see pictures of our amazing athletes!
Year 6 Girls Football
We are incredibly proud to share that our Year 6 girls played their last football match of the season this week against Bishopton Primary School. Having only started playing together this year, the girls have made tremendous progress and displayed excellent teamwork and determination. Their performance in the match was commendable, and we are excited to see how far they have come in such a short time.
Well done to our Year 6 girls!
En Garde!
Benji (Y3) and Dylan (Y5) represented Alveston school in a recent fencing competition. There were 7 school teams consisting of three children in each. Despite only having two members, the Alveston team still managed to be in the points and finished a very admirable third in the competition.  Well done!
* UPDATE * Little Owls
Here is a little update on Willow (Y5) & Theo’s (Y3) Little Owls at their Nana and Grandad's house - we can see from last time that they’re now starting to look like owls and less like little fluff balls. So cute! They are now roughly 3 weeks old and all four of them are doing great. (I wonder if they would like to join all the owls in my office...)
Staff Announcement

As we come to the end of the year, we all start looking towards the next! We like to let our children and families know as soon as we can who their teaching teams will be for year ahead. This year took a little longer to finalise – but we are all ready now!

Before we share the staffing structure we have some further announcements regarding our current team.

We are firstly delighted to announce the fabulous news that Mrs Onslow and her husband are expecting their first baby in November! I am sure you will join us in congratulating Mr and Mrs Onslow at this very exciting time. Mrs Onslow is hoping to remain at school until the autumn half term.

We are also delighted to announce Mrs McFeely’s return to school in September. You may spot her popping in and out of school this term too! Welcome back Mrs McFeely – we have missed you!

We have been so lucky that Mrs Musk has covered our maternity leave in Key Stage 1 over the last 2 years.  Having now secured a permanent teaching post at another local school, it is time for Mrs Musk to move to pastures new. Whilst we are absolutely thrilled for her, we will be sorry to see Mrs Musk go. We look forward to seeing her at Stratford Cluster school events!

We would also like to announce that, after seven years, Mrs Chandler will also be moving on this summer to enjoy her next chapter. Whilst we are sad Mrs Chandler will not be having a class next year, we are delighted she will still be part of the Alveston Family as one of our supply teaching team.

Last but by no means least, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Wheatley, who is one of our supply teaching team and this year, part of our Year 1 maternity cover. We are delighted that Mrs Wheatley has also secured a permanent post at a local school and we wish her all the very best for the future.

On 7th June, we announced that Miss Arbuckle would be joining us in September. In addition, we say hello and welcome to Miss Bill and Miss Mabbett! Miss Bill who will be teaching Year 1, will be going into her third year of teaching when she joins us in September and Miss Mabbett into her sixth! We are thrilled to have found three super teachers to join the Alveston Teaching Team and Family.

We are also so pleased to announce that Mr Jay (Harry, to those who know him from wrap around care!) will also be joining our teaching teams next year.

I am sure you will join me in extending a very warm welcome to our newest recruits.

Below you will find our Teaching Teams for 2024 / 2025. Your child will meet their class teaching teams and spend the day with them on Wednesday 10th July as part of our transition day. If you have any questions about our new teaching teams or the transition day, please do get in touch.



General TAs*

Additional TAs*


Miss Arbuckle

Mrs Carter, Miss Wright     

Miss Aqsa; Mr Jay 


Miss Bill

Miss Leary



Miss Griffiths

Miss Wright

Mrs Arnold


Mr Hollis

Miss Lennon

Miss Johnson


Mrs Potter & Mrs McFeely

Mrs Wilcock

Mrs Arnold


Miss Mabbett

Mrs Johal

Mrs Bond; Miss Aqsa


Miss Eddy

Mrs Watkins

Mrs P-W; Mrs Johal

Forest School

Mrs McFeely

Miss Lennon; Mr Jay


Intervention  / Supply: 

Mrs Onslow, Mrs Chandler, Mrs Fletcher

*Teaching Assistant

Community Interest 
We post all community events and projects on our website under 'Our Community'. For more information about activities open to you, your family and your local community, please do check the page regularly. For our final term of the 2023-34 year, we have some information regarding some local job vacancies, fun events and summer clubs: 
"Let's Play" - Summer Fun at Stratford Leisure Centre
Last but not least, you can also find a list of Stratford Food Bank's "MOST WANTED" items right here. Please do take a look and help to support those in need in our local community.
General Reminders
Parking at Drop-Off and Pick-Up
We are so lucky at Alveston that the Football Club allow all our parents who drive to school to use their car park for drop-off and pick-up. This makes it safer for all our children. Please continue to use the Football Club car park. Please do not park on Knights Lane, Oak Road or any double-yellow lines for pick-up or drop-offs. Please also ensure that you do not stop or park within the zig-zag "Keep Clear" markings. This area is marked to keep the flow of traffic moving and to ensure the safety of all pedestrians.
Sickness and Absence
Please let the school office know each day your child is absent from school by calling 01789 293412, option 1, and leaving a message.  You may also email You do not need to contact us daily if your child is sick/vomits. Absences for sickness/vomiting will be recorded 48 hours from the end of the day your child was last sick (i.e. if sick on Sunday, come back on Wednesday; if Tuesday come back on Friday) nor for COVID absences.  

Medicines in School
We cannot accept medicines in school without a prescription label and a medical form completed by a parent or carer.  Please ask the school office for more information and/or a form via  

Key Information

Don't forget to keep up-to-date with all our School News by visiting: and click on the ‘News’ tab. If you are not set up on the e-schools App, and would like to be, please email for assistance.


Important Dates to Remember 
Key dates for the final Summer term are HERE!  They have also been added to the website calendar.  You can find information relating to term dates here and teacher-led club dates here

Summer Term (2)


Celebration / Star of the Week Assemblies



28.06, 05.07, 12.07

15.7 Half Term Cup Assembly

Teacher-Led Clubs (4 wks)


10 June – 5 July






Online Safety Week



Year 3 trip to Habitat Survival Trust

24/6/24 wk


New Reception Settling Sessions (Week 1)



Year 6 trip to Sikh Gurdwara [Event Sheet sent on 13.5.24]



New Reception Settling Sessions (Week 2)



Year 6 Leavers’ Play (4:30pm)



Year 6 Residential



Transition Day / Year 5 Residential Meeting (5pm)



Half Term Cup presentation

15/7/24 wk


Healthy School Week



Open Evening



Sports’ Day and Family Picnic



Reserve Sports’ Day and Family Picnic



Leavers’ Assembly



INSET Afternoon. School closes at midday/noon

Children return to school Wednesday 4th September 2024.
Healthy Schools 2020
360 ES Mark
Artsmark Gold Award