Sports Day Round-Up


19th July 2024

Sporting Heroes
We are thrilled to share the highlights of our fantastic Sports Day, which celebrated the spirit of the Olympic Games. The children worked hard to prepare with Olympic-themed bunting and a class Olympic torch being created for each gazebo.

The day kicked off with exciting track events, where all the children impressed us with their talent and sportsmanship. Following the track events, we moved onto the field events, including throwing, egg-and-spoon, sack race, shuttle races and skipping, allowing the children to showcase their diverse skills.

A special feature of the day was our Alveston Olympic Medal Competition. We are proud to announce the following winners:

YR- Delancey

Y1- Max

Y2- Grace

Y3 – Layla

Y4- Freya

Y5 – Yaseen

Y6- Tabitha

The overall winners who received a thrilling Olympic Games Book were Grace, Freya and Tabitha. A heartfelt thank you to Max and Chloe from the School Council and our Year 6 students for presenting the awards.

We also extend our gratitude to all the families who came to support the event and stayed for the Olympic-themed picnic, as well as to the Friends who supported the event. Your presence and enthusiasm made the day truly memorable.

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