Arts Week - Finding your tribe


23rd May 2024

This week we have had a joyous Arts Week. As the circus joined us today, we knew the theme had to be communities and finding a tribe. We wanted to find out more about Coventry, the cathedral and how the events in 1940 changed the landscape of how people in Warwickshire live. As well as working alongside specialists, we have embraced the artists within our own staff. Mrs McFeely - who joined us from maternity leave - Mrs Newitt, Mrs Potter and Mrs Rogers have all had the chance to work with classes creating work, leaving not only the children with happy memories but the adults too.
As a school, we have worked hard creating videos in each class based on our school values. These have given the children a great opportunity to practise their drama and presenting skills. We enjoyed an assembly with Miss Dotty, on Thursday, who taught the children all about Coventry's history pre and post war. Everyone, including all the adults, found this absolutely fascinating. Friday finished with our circus skills workshops which all the children have thoroughly enjoyed.
Here's a rundown of some of the additional things we have done this week:
Reception have learnt a special dance about kindness, they have created an amazing stained glass window with Mrs McFeely for a display in the hall and completed some wonderful art work in their class including some beautiful natural flower crosses.
Year 1 enjoyed using their drama skills and creating peace-bunting to decorate the school with. They too worked with Mrs McFeely to make a window for our hall display. We can't wait to unveil this in the coming weeks (once it is completed).
Year 2 spent time with Chaz from Wayside Willow on Monday, weaving a natural cross for our outdoor reflective area. With Mrs Potter, the children have been learning about peace signs and thinking about what brings them peace. They put this into action creating incredible peace poles to plant in the outside area.
Year 3 have spent their week being immersed in music - exploring instruments, singing Livin' on a Prayer and composing their own songs. In addition, they have been taught a special dance by Mrs Rogers which they enjoyed practising.
Year 4 children have immersed themselves in a variety of creative projects celebrating the rich heritage and artistic spirit of Coventry Cathedral. They researched and wrote descriptive pieces capturing the beauty and intricate artwork of the Cathedral, designed and crafted stunning stained glass windows and created ancient Greek clay pots. With Mrs Newitt, the children created a mosaic of St James' Church. 
Year 5 have been sewing. Inspired by the tapestry in Coventry Cathedral, they have made their own tapestries which they plan to sew together to make a lasting wall hanging. They also worked with Chaz on the amazing willow cross.
Finally, Year 6 had a week of fun after all their work last week for SATs. They have learnt about the story of Sadako and the paper peace cranes. They have created a rainbow of cranes to display in school. They too danced with Mrs Rogers as well as having a wonderful trip out on Tuesday.
It has been a week full of inspiration, learning, and artistic expression, bringing our community closer together through the power of art.
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