Online Safety Week


28th June 2024

This week has been our Online Safety week for the term. In addition to regular reminders, we have a week per term reinforcing key information to help children keep themselves and their friends safe online. When asked, most children in the school say they have access to devices where they can access the internet - mobile phones, iPads, tablets, Smart TVs etc.
In addition to our work in classes, Millie, Matthew, Willow and Harrison have been incredible Online Safety ambassadors planning and leading assemblies for the whole school. On Wednesday, Harrison and Willow shared important messages with Years 4, 5 and 6 about ensuring you behave online in the same way as you would in real life. On Thursday, Millie and Matthew shared lots of information with Year R to Year 3 about protecting their identity and talking to trusted adults if concerned.
A big well done to Millie, Matthew, Harrison and Willow - you are inspirational Online Safety Leaders.
In classes this week:
Reception have been learning key safety tips through Hector's World. The children selected one fact they were keen to put into their long term memory and shared with peers.
Year 1 watched a video featuring the Info Gang which explained the importance of keeping personal information Safe. The main character was compromised as her personal information had been shared which left her in an unsafe situation. The class discussed all her emotions which left her with early warning signs and the various emotional stages she went through.
Year 2 have explored emails. Whilst enjoying composing, sending and receiving, they have thought carefully about the content and how to keep this safe.
Year 3 have been recapping how to keep their personal information safe when online (in any forum). They thought about how to build a positive online reputation and they considered password security.
Year 4 focused on critically evaluating what they see and hear online. The students developed top tips for online safety and used their computing skills to create PowerPoint presentations to share with each other.
Year 5 have focused on online bullying looking at resources from Safer Schools. The children wrote their own messages of what you could do in each scenario.
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