19th April 2024
Year 6 Boys Football
Our Year 6 Boys football team played a friendly against Holy Trinity this week. This was the first time that the boys had played 9v9 and they were determined to perform well in a tricky game dominated by the wind. Holy Trinity took the lead in the first half but this did not stop Alveston - the game ended in a draw (with many more on target chances being set up by our boys).
Well done to all our footballers and a big thank you to all families and coaches who attended the match.
Year 6 Girls Football
Our Year 6 Girls football team came in fighting at their friendly match against Holy Trinity. The girls were the strongest they have ever been, working as a team and using the skills they have been developing all year. Again, our girls’ determination saw them setting up more goals in the second half and driving forwards until the very end.
A big well done girls and a massive thanks to all families that attended. Thank you to coach Tom Sidwell for your continued support.
Cross Country County Race
A big shout out this week to Oliver from Year 4 for representing South Warwickshire in the County Cross Country Race! Ollie’s hard work and determination throughout the year saw him qualify to represent South Warwickshire. The race was very competitive with lots of fast runners. With us all cheering him along, Ollie placed 4th out of 12 runners across Warwickshire. A massive well done to Ollie for this huge achievement. We can’t wait to see you run next year!
Fitt4Kids Inter-House Competition
Last week, all children throughout the school took part in an inter-house competition. All classes had four tasks to complete within their house groups including a beanbag toss, speed bounce, hockey dribble and tennis ball shuttle. Teachers were so impressed with the children who worked hard on their accuracy, agility and speed within their teams.
The inter-house competition was tight, with all children putting in their all to compete against their fellow classmates. The scores have been counted and verified and we can confirm the winning team won by just one point! Drum roll, please.........
Huge congratulations to Avon Blues for winning the inter-house competition!!! Well done to Tudor Reds for being our runners-up!
Here are our top scorers from each year group:
Year Group
R |
Harry R |
Steven |
Rosa |
Delancey |
1 |
Millie W |
Lily W |
William |
Blake, Lizzie, Millie W |
2 |
Tilly |
Frankie |
Romee |
Hugo, Nancy, Archie, Immy, Ted |
3 |
Emily |
Calvin, Beatrice C |
Thomas |
Sophia, Mabel, Eva |
4 |
Quinn |
Thomas |
Ollie |
Freya |
5 |
Harry, Seth, Isabelle, Jaydev, Dylan |
Yaseen, Ollie, Isabelle |
Harley |
Harley, Jack Lo |
6 |
Arley, Oscar E |
Oscar E, Elsie, George, Bella, Tabitha, Molly, William, TJ |
TJ |
Hannah, Oscar E, Sam, Millie MW |
The scores have now been sent to Fitt4Kids to be entered into a competition against other schools - the winning school will receive a trophy that they will hold for the year. Let the games begin!
Governors Update April
The School Governors met on Thursday 18th April to carry out their delayed second Spring Term meeting (delayed as members were not available as planned in March). It should be noted that the governing body has reduced in number due to departures for personal and work commitments. Recruiting is progressing.
As required, governors reviewed the minutes and actions from the previous Spring Term meeting – noting that all actions relating to parental engagement and wellbeing had been completed. The methodology for informing parents on school matters was agreed.
This meeting covered a range of significant topics. The two most important were the annual Local Authority safeguarding review and the school budget for 2024-25. In the former case, governors were reminded of the small but significant changes made to Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023.
Governors reviewed the previous spend in 2023-24 and then signed off the budget for the year.
Other discussion items included data analysis with regards to Maths and overall pupil progress, as well as the daily interventions to support and challenge the children.
Finally, the meeting was advised on a number of church related matters including the SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection, due in 2024-25.
It’s Stress Awareness Month and Warwickshire County Council is sharing tips and information to help people find ways to manage stress and improve their wellbeing.
Continuing the theme this week, the council is focusing on young people who may be preparing for summer examinations and offering help to manage the pressures they may face around exams and in considering their plans for the future.
Read some top tips here.
The Croft are planning their biennial Secondary Schools’ Open Evening and should like to extend an invitation to the Year 5 parents and pupils of Alveston C of E Primary School. The event will take place on Wednesday 1 May, 5.30 – 7pm, and is designed specifically to inform parents and pupils of their secondary school options.
Eighteen secondary schools will exhibit at the Open Evening, including some of Warwickshire County Council’s Southern Area schools and a number of independent secondary schools.
The Open Evening is held in the Theatre and there is ample parking in the adjacent car park.
If this would be of interest to you, please contact Jane Martin, at the Croft School, at office@croftschool.co.uk.
Please find a link to Brigade's updated 2024 flyer which includes "how to order2 details for parents, size and "how to measure" guides and our new updated summer 2024 summer order deadlines.
Medicines in School
We cannot accept medicines in school without a prescription label and a medical form completed by a parent or carer. Please ask the school office for more information and/or a form via parents3002@welearn365.com.
Key Information
Don't forget to keep up-to-date with all our School News by visiting: www.alvestoncofeprimary.co.uk and click on the ‘News’ tab. If you are not set up on the e-schools App, and would like to be, please email parents3002@welearn365.com for assistance.
Summer Term (1) |
Celebration / Star of the Week Assemblies |
19.04, 26.04, 3.05, 10.05, 17.05, 24.05 20/5 Half Term Cup Assembly |
Teacher-Led Clubs (4 wks) |
8 April – 3 May |
23/4/24 |
Bag 2 School |
24/4/24 |
Year 4 Chef Adopt-a-School (session 2) [event sheet sent on 16.4.24] |
1/5/24 |
Year 6 SATs and Residential Meeting 5.30pm |
6/5/24 |
Bank Holiday |
8/5/24 |
Year 1 trip to Kenilworth castle [event sheet sent on 15.4.24] |
13/5/24 |
KS2 SATs 13th – 16th May |
15/5/24 |
Year 5 trip to Mary Arden’s Farm [event sheet sent on 16.4.24] |
20/5/24 wk |
Arts Week |
20/5/24 |
Half Term Cup Presentation |
24/5/24 |
Non Uniform / **SUMMER FAIR** |
HALF TERM 27th May – 31st May 2024 |
Summer Term (2) |
Celebration / Star of the Week Assemblies |
7.06, 14.06, 21.06, 28.06, 12.07 15/7 Half Term Cup Assembly |
Teacher-Led Clubs (4 wks) |
10 June – 5 July |
12/6/24 |
New Reception Parents’ Information Evening (6pm) |
19/6/24 |
Parents Reading Together Time |
24/6/24 |
Online Safety Week |
24/6/24 wk |
New Reception Settling Sessions (Week 1) |
1/7/24 |
New Reception Settling Sessions (Week 2) |
1/7/24 |
Year 6 Leavers’ Play (4:30pm) |
3-5/7/24 |
Year 6 Residential |
10/7/24 |
Transition Day / Year 5 Residential Meeting (5pm) |
15/7/24 |
Half Term Cup presentation |
15/7/24 wk |
Healthy School Week |
15/7/24 |
Open Evening |
16/7/24 |
Sports’ Day and Family Picnic |
17/7/24 |
Reserve Sports’ Day and Family Picnic |
19/7/24 |
Leavers’ Assembly |
19/7/24 |
INSET Afternoon. School closes at midday/noon |