Newsletter 10.1.25


10th January 2025

Happy New Year!
 I hope you and your families all managed some rest and time to recharge over the break. What a wonderful wintery start to 2025 and the Spring Term!  I love that first gate duty and Collective Worship, seeing all our children's little faces once again. It really is a joy to be back. The term ahead is an exciting one with some super learning opportunities planned. Please have a little read below to find out more about what we have been up to and some courses and events coming up.
This term we will get our WhatsApp groups up and running. The sign-up email went out today, so please do sign up for this reminder service. Please also don't forget to skim the newsletter to keep up-to-date with all our news and events. Right at the bottom is a reminder of diary dates for this term and other dates can be found on the website calendar. 
Thank you to everyone who shared their lovely feedback before and during the break, it was wonderful to share this with our staff and children this week. Please continue to share your positives, 'what works well', your concerns and what you think we could do better, to ensure we can continue to work together to shine brightly.
Wishing you a peaceful and safe weekend,
Anne Clewley
Head Teacher
Stars of the Week!
Our first Shine Time of 2025 will be held next week, on Friday 17th January.
Team Cup Winners
Congratulations to this week's Team Point winners, Avon Blues! Well done to everyone who earned a team point this week.
TT Rockstars Battle of the Bands!
Check out this post all about the brilliant TTRS Battle of the Bands event that was held this week!
Parent Meeting: Emotional Regulation 
Alveston Primary School
Tuesday 14th January 2025
4.30 pm  to 5.30pm

As a school, we continue to work to help children to understand their feelings and behaviours. This includes what might trigger certain feelings and behaviours, how to regulate their emotions, understanding the impact their actions may have on others and how to repair relationships when things go wrong.

During the academic year 2022 / 2023, we introduced additional approaches to support this work. These included:  

  • Emotion Coaching  
  • Zones of Regulation
  • Restorative Practice

Each academic year we have held a meeting for our families to share the approaches and strategies we are teaching the children. We hope sharing these strategies will benefit our community as a whole and parents have told us they find using shared approaches and language useful at home.

You may have already spotted the date in the calendar, as we invite all our new Reception families to a meeting on Tuesday 14th January at 4.30pm. If you have missed the meetings in the past, or would like to come again, you are very welcome to join us.

For those families attending the meeting, we will be offering childcare for school age children. We will sadly not be able to provide childcare for pre-school children. You may however bring younger siblings with you, on the understanding that if your child becomes restless, you will leave the meeting so as not to disturb others.  

If you would like to join us to learn more, we ask Reception families to please complete the form we sent to confirm your attendance. All other families are welcome to contact us on 01789 293412 or email us via We will then be able to ensure we have the right number of seats for you and adult supervision for your children.   


Free Parent Workshop - Boundaries and Rules
We wanted to remind you that the Children and Families Service will be running a free workshop here at Alveston focused on Boundaries and Rules on Wednesday, 15 January 2025 from 12:30 to 14:30.

Being a parent is exciting and rewarding but there are also times when children behave in ways that are a challenge for us. This 2-hour workshop looks at some reasons why children behave the way they do and offers insight and strategies to help guide their behaviour.

This workshop is for parents/carers of children of all ages. It will focus on:

• How and why boundaries support children’s development

• Parenting strategies that can be used to support boundaries such as rules, praise, routines.

• Identify different parenting styles

• Build an awareness of positive parenting and how to implement this in day to day life

• Looking after our selves as parents and carers

This workshop is a general overview and if further support and advice is identified, contacts and referral pathways will be available at the end of the workshop.

You will find more information about this workshop here.

Booking is now open so please book your place here.
Uniform Standards 
As we start back into a term, we wanted to share some important reminders around uniform, appearance and safety: 
  • PE kit is plain black and green. No grey, navy, stripes, logos etc. We have noticed a lot of children are coming into school on PE days wearing a slightly different version of our PE kit, or indeed any PE kit and this is beginning to look like a non-uniform day. Children should still look clean, tidy and smart on their PE days.
  • All children should have an Alveston school uniform, green coat.
  • Toys, fidgets, items from home should not come into school unless there is an agreement for one small item that has been made with the SENDCO and class teacher.
  • Hair, longer than shoulder length, should be tied up.
  • Hair styles should remain conventional - no shaved tram lines, etc.
  • Hair accessories should be school colours – green, black, white, grey.
  • Children should bring their books in a bookbag. No rucksacks in school unless children are going on a trip, swimming or taking part in an additional sports club where they need a change of clothes, etc.
  • Children should not wear jewellery apart from small 3mm stud earrings.
  • Black shoes or trainers – plain black, again, no stripes, white soles or colour.
  • Please ensure children have hats, scarves and gloves in school every day when the weather is cold. Unfortunately, we don’t have spares and lunchtime is a long time to be outside in the cold without these items.
  • Finally, please name everything.
We are proud of our uniform and it unites us as our school. If you have any concerns around uniform, please do speak to us about this.
Fancy Bonnets!
With the temperatures plummeting, we definitely need our hats! Following parent requests made directly to one of suppliers, Summit, we have now agreed that they will stock a range of Alveston hats! You can get your hands on our Alveston-branded beanies and bobbles right here.

Little Miss Onslow
This week, Alveston Primary was lucky enough to get a visit from a very special little lady, namely Ava. The coos and the aaaaaahhhs could be heard all around the school when Mrs O came to introduce her very cute little bundle to everyone. Ava got a tour of the school and many snuggles on her way round. It was lovely to see Mrs Onslow doing so well and loving being a Mummy. Come and see us again soon!
Staff Announcement
While we're on the subject of little bundles, I am absolutely delighted to announce that Miss Griffiths and her partner are expecting their second baby! A playmate for little Millie, the new addition to their lovely family is due in June. I am sure you will join me and the rest of the Alveston Family in wishing Miss Griffiths a happy and healthy pregnancy. 
We will let all Year 2 families know later this year, the teaching plan for Year 2 for those final weeks of the Summer Term.

Lego Fans Unite!
BricKES 2 - Sunday 19th January 2025

King Edward VI School in Stratford will be setting up their second big public display of Lego sets in their School hall, an event that will raise money for their chosen charity.  

It should prove another fun afternoon! There will be a live build of a 6,500 piece Lego City display for people to get involved with, local Lego traders will be in attendance and refreshments will be served by one of our Parents Associations.

The event will be raising funds for the Battle Back Centre at Lilleshall (Shropshire). They provide support to injured (physically and mentally) service personnel, giving them a week's residential course and helping them to overcome great difficulties. KES work with their staff every year whilst on their Year 7 residential and have seen first-hand what a difference their work makes.

I have some inside information (from a member of our office staff) that this event is really good fun - peoples' displays are amazing and with stalls selling unique Lego gifts - it is a must for all Lego fans!

Click here for more information.


Community Interest 
We post all community events and projects on our website under 'Our Community'. For more information about activities open to you, your family and your local community, please do check the pages regularly:
Information re local events coming soon... but see above re BricKES! 
Last but not least, you can also find a list of Stratford Food Bank's "MOST WANTED" items right here. Please do take a look and help to support those in need in our local community.
General Reminders
Parking at Drop-Off and Pick-Up
We are so lucky at Alveston that the Football Club allow all our parents who drive to school to use their car park for drop-off and pick-up. This makes it safer for all our children. Please continue to use the Football Club car park. Please do not park on Knights Lane, Oak Road or any double-yellow lines for pick-up or drop-offs. Please also ensure that you do not stop or park within the zig-zag "Keep Clear" markings. This area is marked to keep the flow of traffic moving and to ensure the safety of all pedestrians.
Sickness and Absence
Please let the school office know each day your child is absent from school by calling 01789 293412, option 1, and leaving a message.  You may also email You do not need to contact us daily if your child is sick/vomits. Absences for sickness/vomiting will be recorded 48 hours from the end of the day your child was last sick (i.e. if sick on Sunday, come back on Wednesday; if Tuesday come back on Friday) nor for COVID absences.  


Medicines in School
We cannot accept medicines in school without a prescription label and a medical form completed by a parent or carer.  Please ask the school office for more information and/or a form via:


Forest School Dates - Spring Term 1 & 2

Below are Forest School dates for your diary. The children will need to wear PE kit to school with tracksuit bottoms or leggings and have a long sleeve top such as a hoodie. Wellies and a rain coat / school coat will also be required:


 Spring Term 1



Year Group

Fri 10th Jan   

   Year 5

Fri 17th Jan


Year 6

Fri 24th Jan


Year 4

Fri 31st Jan


Year 3

Fri 7th Feb


Year 2

Fri 14th Feb


Year 1


 Spring Term 2



Year Group

Fri 28th Feb



Fri 7th Mar


Year 6

Fri 14th Mar


Year 5

Fri 21st Mar


Year 4

Fri 28th Mar


Year 3

Fri 4th Apr


Year 2

Fri 11th Apr


Year 1


Important Dates to Remember   
Key dates for the Spring Term are HERE!  You can find information relating to term dates here and teacher-led clubs here

Spring Term (1)


Celebration / Star of the Week Assemblies



17/1, 24/1, 31/1, 7/2



Teacher-Led Clubs – 4 weeks



13th January to 7th February






Parent Meeting – Emotional Regulation (4:30-5:30pm)



Free Parent Workshop - Boundaries and Rules (12:30-2:30pm)



FOA Bag-2-School collection



Year 6 trip to Coventry Cathedral    [event sheet sent on 7.1.25]

3 - 6/2


Year 5 Bikeability



Half-Term Cup Assembly



Parents’ Evening



Parents’ Evening



FOA Express Yourself Day






HALF-TERM 17th-21st February 2025




Spring Term (2)


Celebration / Star of the Week Assemblies



28/2, 7/3, 14/3, 21/3, 28/3



Teacher-Led Clubs – 4 weeks



10th March to 4th April



 Everyone back to school! 



Young Voices 2025



Learning Together Time (2:30pm)



Year 6 trip to Parliament



FOA Bag-2-School



World Book Day



FOA Easter Bingo



Half-Term Cup assembly



Easter Service at St James’ church



FOA Easter Bake Off/Sale






Easter Break 14th-25th April 2025

Everyone back in school Monday 28th April.

Healthy Schools 2020
360 ES Mark
Artsmark Gold Award