Norovirus and Flu Awareness

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Norovirus and Flu Awareness

We can all play our part in reducing the spread of these illnesses by taking note of the following tips: 

Please carry on with good hygiene habits in the home, this includes handwashing for 20 seconds and using a tissue to catch coughs and sneezes.

It's fine to send your child to school with a minor cough or common cold. But if they have a high temperature keep them off school until it goes.   

Stomach bugs spread rapidly around schools and nurseries. If you or your child have diarrhoea and vomiting – please carry on with handwashing with soap and warm water for 20 seconds, along with the following:

  • Use bleach-based products to clean surfaces, this will help stop infections from spreading
  • Don’t prepare food for others if you have symptoms or for 48 hours after the symptoms stop
  • Please avoid visiting people in hospitals or care homes
  • Please don’t return to work, school or nursery until 48 hours after the symptoms have stopped.  
If you haven’t already had the flu jab, please speak to your GP or your preferred pharmacy. For children, please note the following: 
Primary and secondary school age children are eligible for flu nasal spray vaccine OR the injectable (gelatine free) vaccine via the School Age Immunisations Service (SAIS). 
If you returned a consent form but your child did not have the vaccine on the day, you will receive an email from SAIS informing you why the vaccine was not given and a link to book a clinic appointment. Clinic appointments can also be booked if you did not return a form, or you have changed your mind via swiftqueue.

Information about clinics is also available at the school.

All children aged 2 years (who have turned 2 years old before the 1 September 2024) and all 3-year-olds are eligible for the flu vaccine. If you haven’t received your invite, please contact your GP.  

Routine vaccinations – did you know that you can also speak to your GP about other childhood vaccinations that can help protect your child and the wider community. These vaccinations include measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria and polio. 

If you are unsure of your child’s condition – you can use this handy NHS guide - 
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