Curriculum at Alveston

"The curriculum is outstanding because it provides pupils with many memorable learning opportunities." (Ofsted 2012).
"Pupils receive a good education at this school. They are rightly proud of their school and enjoy the curriculum, grounds and extra curricular opportunities on offer." (Ofsted 2016).

At Alveston the team have always delivered an exciting curriculum across all subjects including for example Humanities, Sports and the Arts. The curriculum is further enriched with visitors to school, experiences and trips.

We are passionate about every child experiencing success during their primary school years. Delivering real breadth in our curriculum and a depth of experience, children have the opportunity to shine, to know what success feels like be that in reading, writing or maths or through Science, Computing, the Arts or the sporting arena.

We teach differently. We teach children to look at the evidence, appraise it and form their own views. Rather than develop children who are passive recipients of facts, we encourage them to be independent thinkers. For example, we don’t just teach children who Boudicca was and what she did; we ask children to appraise the evidence, form their opinions and debate if she was a freedom fighter or a terrorist.

During 2019 / 2020, we introduced 'Learning Together Time'. Once each term parents were invited into school to share a lesson with their children. These lessons are thoroughly enjoyed by children and parents alike. 

“I feel very privileged to have sat in on the Y6 Limerick lesson. The teacher was very inspiring and the children produced some fantastic work.” Y6 Parent (2019/2020).

Healthy Schools 2020
360 ES Mark
Artsmark Gold Award