Newsletter 17.1.25


17th January 2025

In a week where, worldwide, many people are already giving up on their New Year's Resolutions, we have been talking about our school value of 'ambition'. We have thought about our own ambitions and resolutions for the term and year ahead. As always, our children shared some fabulous ones, such as to read an ambitious number of books, to master riding their bike or improve particular skills, with everyone excited to get going! 
As a school, we are also very excited to get going with a few projects of our own this year. Next week you will read in the newsletter about our ambition for our very own Alveston Bike Bus! We are also in process of setting up our own WhatsApp groups, still very much in progress, so please do not worry, we will let you know when we are launch-ready! 
I will always continue to be ambitious for Alveston, for our children and for our community. Together we will continue to look at ways to improve what we currently do and for new ideas to further improve our provision. Your feedback is always welcome to help us with this. As we start a new year, please do remember to let me know what you think is working and what you think we could improve. 
Wishing you a peaceful weekend,
Anne Clewley
Head Teacher
Stars of the Week!
Reception ~ Ellie
Year 1 ~ Ssssshhhhh!! It's a secret! We'll let you know next week!
Year 2 ~ Jett
Year 3 ~ Matilda
Year 4 ~ Theo
Year 5 ~ Jenson
Year 6 ~ Reggie
Congratulations to all of our Stars of the Week!
Team Cup Winners
Congratulations to this week's Team Point winners, Charlecote Greens! Well done to everyone who earned a team point this week.
Mix and Match
The start of this new term brings some exciting artwork as Year 1 have been exploring the primary colours red, blue and yellow by mixing paint. The children have been experimenting with different combinations and discovered that when two of the colours are mixed together they make the secondary colours: green, purple and orange. The artwork this week is inspired by the painting 'Numbers' from artist Jasper Johns - his artwork stands out in a fun and vibrant way as he experimented with both texture and colour. We also learned a new technique called 'impasto' which means to paint using large brush strokes. 
In DT, Year 2 have created cylindrical structures to test which would be the best design to use for baby bear's chair! While in history, they learnt about the first flight in 1903 and freeze-framed Orville Wright taking flight! When she popped into the classroom this week, the children wowed Mrs Price with their knowledge of the Wright Brothers and their understanding of why they were so important.

Robot Wars
On Friday 10th January, the children in Year 3 and Year 6 worked with Wojtiech from PrepareRobo. Each year group had a different design challenge to work on - the children in Year 3 had to design, make, program and test a scout robot which could change its direction based on input from a touch sensor, whilst the children in Year Six had to design, make, program and test a battle robot which could attack others and defend itself! The children had great fun working collaboratively in teams, solving both design and coding problems along the way. It was wonderful to see the children's creativity come to life and how each robot was unique!
Health Ambassadors
As part of their role as Health Ambassadors, the School Council worked with Kate Perham from Connect4Health, our school nurses team. School Council had a workshop with Kate which discussed anxiety. The children had a recap of identifying our Early Warning Signs. They also learned what anxiety is. Finally, Kate shared strategies with the children about how we can help ourselves when we are feeling anxious. The School Council will present an assembly to the rest of the school this half term to share these key messages. They will also have a display board in school for the children as a reminder of this important information.
Staff Announcement
We are delighted to announce  that we have a new member of staff! Miss Green has joined the Year 1 teaching team as the class Teaching Assistant. I am sure you will join us in giving Miss Green the warmest of welcomes!
School Gate Reminders
Just a few important reminders regarding before and after-hours drop-off and pick-up at school and the use of our school gates:
Pick-Up from After School Clubs
A reminder that families picking up children following after school teacher-led, as well as externally-provided clubs, need to collect their children from the football club gate at 4.15pm (Alveston Owls is the only exception). We've had a number of parents waiting at the gate on Knights Lane this week. Those travelling by car are able to park in the football club car park. 
Staff Carpark Gates
The car park gates are for cars only and not pedestrians. The car park gates will close on pedestrians and there have been some near misses. If you require pedestrian access to reach Alveston Owls or Cygnets, and the pedestrian gate is closed, you do need to press the call button next to the pedestrian access. This gate is controlled by Cygnets. 
Keep School Site Safe
Finally, a reminder to families regarding gate access. If you have been given gate access, please do not hold the gate open for others to enter school. There has been an incident of a family leaving school, allowing other adults to come in. For safeguarding reasons, we do need to know who is on the premises. 
Thank you for your support to help keep everyone on site safe.
Bag2School Postponed, Rags2Riches to the Rescue!
Unfortunately, our Bag2School collection, scheduled for Tuesday 21st January, has had to be postponed. However, Friends have secured an alternative collection date for Wednesday 12th February with Rags2Riches. We'll be in touch with further information nearer the time.
In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more about Rags2Riches and their company ethos, please take a look here.

Community Interest 
We post all community events and projects on our website under 'Our Community'. For more information about activities open to you, your family and your local community, please do check the pages regularly:
Winter edition of Raring2go! is out now and is packed full of ideas for days out/activities.
BrickKES2 - exciting Lego event on Sunday 19th January
Last but not least, you can also find a list of Stratford Food Bank's "MOST WANTED" items right here. Please do take a look and help to support those in need in our local community.
General Reminders
Parking at Drop-Off and Pick-Up
We are so lucky at Alveston that the Football Club allow all our parents who drive to school to use their car park for drop-off and pick-up. This makes it safer for all our children. Please continue to use the Football Club car park. Please do not park on Knights Lane, Oak Road or any double-yellow lines for pick-up or drop-offs. Please also ensure that you do not stop or park within the zig-zag "Keep Clear" markings. This area is marked to keep the flow of traffic moving and to ensure the safety of all pedestrians.
Sickness and Absence
Please let the school office know each day your child is absent from school by calling 01789 293412, option 1, and leaving a message.  You may also email You do not need to contact us daily if your child is sick/vomits. Absences for sickness/vomiting will be recorded 48 hours from the end of the day your child was last sick (i.e. if sick on Sunday, come back on Wednesday; if Tuesday come back on Friday) nor for COVID absences.  


Medicines in School
We cannot accept medicines in school without a prescription label and a medical form completed by a parent or carer.  Please ask the school office for more information and/or a form via:


Forest School Dates - Spring Term 1 & 2

Below are Forest School dates for your diary. The children will need to wear PE kit to school with tracksuit bottoms or leggings and have a long sleeve top such as a hoodie. Wellies and a rain coat / school coat will also be required:

 Spring Term 1



Year Group

Fri 17th Jan


Year 5

Fri 24th Jan


Year 4

Fri 31st Jan


Year 3

Fri 7th Feb


Year 2

Fri 14th Feb


Year 1


 Spring Term 2



Year Group

Fri 28th Feb



Fri 7th Mar


Year 6

Fri 14th Mar


Year 5

Fri 21st Mar


Year 4

Fri 28th Mar


Year 3

Fri 4th Apr


Year 2

Fri 11th Apr


Year 1

Important Dates to Remember   
Key dates for the Spring Term are HERE!  You can find information relating to term dates here and teacher-led clubs here

Spring Term (1)


Celebration / Star of the Week Assemblies



24/1, 31/1, 7/2



Teacher-Led Clubs – 4 weeks



13th January to 7th February






FOA Bag2School collection   POSTPONED



Year 6 trip to Coventry Cathedral [event sheet sent on 7.1.25]

3 - 6/2


Year 5 Bikeability



Half-Term Cup Assembly



Parents’ Evening



Parents’ Evening



FOA Express Yourself Day



FOA Rags2Riches collection






HALF-TERM 17th-21st February 2025




Spring Term (2)


Celebration / Star of the Week Assemblies



28/2, 7/3, 14/3, 21/3, 28/3



Teacher-Led Clubs – 4 weeks



10th March to 4th April






Young Voices 2025



Learning Together Time (2:30pm)



Year 6 trip to Parliament



FOA Bag-2-School



World Book Day



FOA Easter Bingo



Half-Term Cup assembly



Easter Service at St James’ church



FOA Easter Bake Off/Sale






HALF-TERM 14th-25th April 2025

Healthy Schools 2020
360 ES Mark
Artsmark Gold Award