Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader - The What

When you finish a book, log on to Accelerated Reader to complete the quizz. 

You can use the iPads in the library to complete these quizzes. Due to current COVID measures in place to reduce the risk of transmission between class bubbles, each class from Year 2 to Year 6 has a library day allocated to you to complete quizzes and to change your books.

Accelerated Reader - The How
Follow the link here for your access to Accelerated Reader.

Your teacher has given you a unique username and password and you will need to log in.

Please complete the quiz on your own and aim to complete it within 24 hours of finishing your book.

Recommended Home Reading Time
Just a reminder, we would like all children to read at home at least 5 times per week and this is introduced right from the start of Reception class to encourage good reading habits. You are all different and will develop at different speeds. For this reason, our recommended home reading time is simply a guideline so please feel free to adjust as necessary.

Year Group Recommended Home Reading Time:

  • Reception:      5 minutes per day
  • Years 1 & 2:  10 minutes per day
  • Years 3 to 6: 20 minutes per day

Please make sure your parents comment and sign in your reading journals each time they hear you read. When you read independently, you may record your reading yourselves. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to your class teacher. Wishing you a wonderful year of reading!

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