Newsletter 24.1.25


24th January 2025

This week, our Collective Worship theme has been 'Hope'. We started the week thinking about Martin Luther King, the changes he made and how his hope inspired others to treat everyone equally. We went on to think about the hope we have for our world - how each of us can make a huge difference by making small changes. Our Eco-Committee are working on a project to make the school more carbon neutral. As part of this, we are composting all our food waste during the school day, only using reusable drinks bottles and we encourage children to walk, scoot or cycle to school, wherever possible. With that in mind, please scroll down to read more information about the Bicycle Bus that we are hoping to start soon. It will be so exciting to see lots of children, once a week, in a long trail commuting in!
Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.
Jess Newitt
Deputy Head Teacher
Stars of the Week!
Reception ~ Theo
Year 1 ~ Theo
Year 2 ~ Evelyn
Year 3 ~ Fraser
Year 4 ~ Shhhhhhhhh! It's a surprise. Find out next week...
Year 5 ~ Kasper
Year 6 ~ Find out next week...!
Congratulations to all of our Stars of the Week!
Team Cup Winners
Congratulations to this week's Team Point winners, Avon Blues! Well done to everyone who earned a team point this week.
Excellent Engineers!
Year 5 have been designing, creating and programming during their DT lessons this term. Their brief is to make a thermometer to monitor an animal's environment and alert the owner if the temperature gets too high/low based on their needs. Last lesson, they programmed a micro:bit so that it would read the temperature in the air, alert them if it went over a certain degree and even tell them the temperature via the LED lights.
Finding the Balance
Over the past couple of weeks in their Wednesday session of PE, Year 2 have been exploring apparatus and have been discovering balances using different body parts.
Give Us S'more!
Year 4 braved the elements for Forest School on Friday. They enjoyed "s'mores" cooked on the open fire and laced popcorn onto lengths of string for the birds to feed on. Some children, inspired by the gusty winds, made windsocks and took great pleasure in flying them briefly! A fabulous morning was had by all. About the s'mores, "the only problem is that they are too good" said our Y4 S'more taste tester!
Conflict, Peace and Reconciliation
Year 6 had a wonderful time at Coventry Cathedral this week. They enjoyed their Conflict, Peace and Reconciliation tour - learning how Coventry Cathedral is at the heart of global reconciliation initiatives. They investigated how we use our past to strive for forgiveness instead of conflict. The children explored the ruins of the old Cathedral, which was destroyed in 1940 and explored the meaning behind artefacts found in the main Cathedral today. In addition, the children were invited to participate in the Litany of Reconciliation. Our tour guides commented on how well-behaved the children were (and how smart in their Alveston coats!). The children asked thoughtful questions and demonstrated a deeper level of thinking. Well done Year 6!
Cross Country Stars!
Larsen, Immy, Benji and Oliver were true sporting stars last weekend and took part in a Cross Country run at Stratford High School. They braved the elements to do us proud. Well done, everyone, for showing such commitment.
Join the Alveston Bicycle Bus!

We are working with Simon Storey - British cycling coach, Bicycle Mayor for Warwick and creator of "the Bicycle Bus" to help us set up the Alveston Bicycle bus - where a lead cyclist picks up children and parents along a planned route at predetermined points and the group cycles to school together.

Why should we join the bicycle bus?
Cycling to school is brilliant for mental and physical health, it's much better for the environment - reducing air pollution and easing congestion around school - and most importantly, it's FUN!

When will it run?
Initially it will run once a week, most likely on a Friday, but if it proves to be popular it will run more often. It is designed to show  parents that it is possible to cycle to school with their kids so that they do it more often on their own.

Can we see more?
Here's a short film of the Wellesbourne bicycle bus by a BAFTA award winning director:

How do we find out more and show our interest?
Simon will be giving an intro to the Bicycle Bus and answering all your questions at 6pm on Wednesday Feb 5th in the Community room.

If you're interested, please contact Gracie on 07702 062 562 or
Pantomime Stars!
Watch out Stratford - there’s a new double act on the block! We’re excited for our very own Yaseen and Zeina to join The Phoenix Players on stage as the super cute duo playing Michael and John, in Peter Pan and the Lost Marbles.
But don’t be fooled by appearances - they may be small, but they are mighty!
And watch out for the most unusual dog you will ever encounter - an astonishing mermaid! And is there romance between Peter and Wendy? Where are the marbles?
Come and find out and support Zeina and Yaseen while enjoying a combo family fun night...and get ready for the boo'ing! 
Booking details are as follows:
When: 30th Jan - 1st Feb 
Time: 7:30pm (and 2:30pm matinee on 1st Feb)
Where: The Methodist Hall, Stratford upon Avon
How: Buy tickets here
Jack Has The Last Word
Jack, in Year 6, has been in rehearsals since last September for a play called 'The Last Word,' and he recently performed in two shows, a matinee and an evening performance, at Bridge House Theatre in Warwick. Jack did himself and Alveston proud and delighted and entertained the audience. Well done, Jack!

Parking Notice
Please do not use the disabled parking bays in the football club car park unless you hold and display a disabled badge.

Leave of Absence During Term Time


Updated information for Parents

The Supreme Court has clarified the law on unauthorised leave, including holidays, during term time (Platt v Isle of Wright 2017). The Supreme Court has made clear that attending school ‘regularly’ means that the children must attend school on every day that they are required to do so. As such, the parents of any child who is absent from school without authorisation for any length of time are likely to be considered as committing an offence under s444 of the Education Act 1996.

The law states a leave of absence may only be granted by a school if an application is made in advance and if it considers there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.

Schools must judge each application individually considering the specific facts and circumstances and relevant background context behind each request.

A leave of absence is granted entirely at the school’s discretion. Generally, a need or desire for a holiday or other absence for the purpose of leisure and recreation would not constitute an exceptional circumstance.

Where a leave of absence is granted, the school will determine the number of days a pupil can be absent from school.

When making an application for Leave of Absence parents are advised to give sufficient information and time to allow the Head teacher the opportunity to consider all the exceptional circumstances and to notify parents of their decision.  The school may also request further information on the application and supporting documentation where appropriate.

It is advised that if the resident parent has not received notification or a response regarding the leave of absence application, it is the parents’ responsibility to ascertain if the leave is authorised prior to the start of the leave.

The school can only consider Leave of Absence requests which are made by the ‘resident’ parent i.e. the parent with whom the child normally resides.

Where applications for leave of absence are made in advance and refused, the child is expected to be in school on the dates set out in the application. If the child is absent during that period, it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.  Where a leave of absence is requested, but additional days taken either prior to or after the request may be considered as part of the leave of absence.

Leave of Absences which are not made in advance cannot be authorised in line with legislation.  This will result in the absence being recorded as ‘unauthorised’. 

All matters of unauthorised absence relating to a Leave of Absence will be referred to the Warwickshire Attendance Service, part of Warwickshire County Council.  Penalty Notices are issued in accordance with Warwickshire County Council’s Code of Conduct for Penalty Notices and in the first instance, as an alternative to prosecution proceedings. 

Leave of Absence taken in the academic year 2024-25

The law relating to Penalty Notices changed with effect from 19 August 2024. Therefore, Penalty Notices issued for Leave of Absence taken from September 2024 will be issued in accordance with the updated legislation.

  • Penalty Notices are issued to each parent of each absent child, (for example 2 children and 2 parents, means each parent will receive 2 invoices – 4 in total).
  • First Leave of Absence offence:  The Penalty Notice amount of £160 to be paid within 28 days, this is reduced to £80 each child if paid within 21 days.
  • Second Leave of Absence offence within a 3 year period (from the date of issue of the first penalty notice): The amount of £160 paid within 28 days.  No reduced amount.
  • Payment plans will not be offered and/or payments received outside of the 28 day period will not be accepted. Where a penalty notice expires unpaid the matter will be referred to Warwickshire County Council’s Legal Services to consider criminal prosecution. 
  • Third Leave of Absence offence within a 3 year period (from the date of issue of the first penalty notice):  A penalty notices will be not be issued and the matter will be referred to Warwickshire County Council’s Legal Services to consider instigating criminal prosecution proceedings under S444 of Education Act 1996.

Your child’s progress academically as well as socially is our shared priority.


Community Interest 
We post all community events and projects on our website under 'Our Community'. For more information about activities open to you, your family and your local community, please do check the pages regularly:
Winter edition of Raring2go! is out now and is packed full of ideas for days out/activities.
Last but not least, you can also find a list of Stratford Food Bank's "MOST WANTED" items right here. Please do take a look and help to support those in need in our local community.
General Reminders
Parking at Drop-Off and Pick-Up
We are so lucky at Alveston that the Football Club allow all our parents who drive to school to use their car park for drop-off and pick-up. This makes it safer for all our children. Please continue to use the Football Club car park. Please do not park on Knights Lane, Oak Road or any double-yellow lines for pick-up or drop-offs. Please also ensure that you do not stop or park within the zig-zag "Keep Clear" markings. This area is marked to keep the flow of traffic moving and to ensure the safety of all pedestrians.
Sickness and Absence
Please let the school office know each day your child is absent from school by calling 01789 293412, option 1, and leaving a message.  You may also email You do not need to contact us daily if your child is sick/vomits. Absences for sickness/vomiting will be recorded 48 hours from the end of the day your child was last sick (i.e. if sick on Sunday, come back on Wednesday; if Tuesday come back on Friday) nor for COVID absences.  


Medicines in School
We cannot accept medicines in school without a prescription label and a medical form completed by a parent or carer.  Please ask the school office for more information and/or a form via:


Class Assembly Dates
Please see the below list of class assembly dates for your diaries:
Year 6 - Tuesday 25th February 
Year 2  - Tuesday 4th March
Year 3 - Tuesday 11th March
Year 4 - Tuesday 18th March
Year 5 -  Tuesday 25th March
Year 1 - Tuesday 1st April 
Reception - Tuesday 8th April
We look forward to seeing you then!
Forest School Dates - Spring Term 1 & 2

Below are Forest School dates for your diary. The children will need to wear PE kit to school with tracksuit bottoms or leggings and have a long sleeve top such as a hoodie. Wellies and a rain coat / school coat will also be required:

 Spring Term 1



Year Group

Fri 31st Jan


Year 3

Fri 7th Feb


Year 2

Fri 14th Feb


Year 1

 Spring Term 2



Year Group

Fri 28th Feb



Fri 7th Mar


Year 6

Fri 14th Mar


Year 5

Fri 21st Mar


Year 4

Fri 28th Mar


Year 3

Fri 4th Apr


Year 2

Fri 11th Apr


Year 1

Important Dates to Remember   
Key dates for the Spring Term are HERE!  You can find information relating to term dates here and teacher-led clubs here:  

Spring Term (1)


Celebration / Star of the Week Assemblies



31/1, 7/2



Teacher-Led Clubs – 4 weeks



13th January to 7th February






Half-Term Cup Assembly



Parents’ Evening



FOA Rags2Riches collection



Parents’ Evening



FOA Express Yourself Day



Year 6 Class Assembly






HALF-TERM 17th-21st February 2025




Spring Term (2)


Celebration / Star of the Week Assemblies



28/2, 7/3, 14/3, 21/3, 28/3



Teacher-Led Clubs – 4 weeks



10th March to 4th April






Young Voices 2025



Learning Together Time (2:30pm)



Year 2 Class Assembly



Year 6 trip to Parliament



FOA Bag-2-School



World Book Day



Year 3 Class Assembly



Year 4 Class Assembly



Year 5 Class Assembly



Year 1 Class Assembly



FOA Easter Bingo



Half-Term Cup assembly



Easter Service at St James’ church



Reception Class Assembly



FOA Easter Bake Off/Sale






HALF-TERM 14th-25th April 2025

Healthy Schools 2020
360 ES Mark
Artsmark Gold Award