Forest School

Our school is a Forest School!

This means that we have spaces around the school site where children can learn outdoors. We have a special, secured area which has been landscaped and planted. We also have three qualified Forest School Leaders – Mrs Newitt, Mrs McFeely and Mrs Fielding who provide outdoor learning opportunities for all children as they progress through the school. 
Forest School sessions will use the outdoor areas for learning through all seasons and all weathers.
Children at Forest School will:

Be taught to care, look after and respect the outdoor environment.

Be given opportunities to develop their confidence and self esteem and to challenge their own abilities.

Be given the opportunity to create and design their own curriculum and learning path, as well as building on the indoor curriculum and set learning paths.

Be praised for efforts and outcomes – regardless of ability, encouraging autonomy.
Learn about the importance of following and adhering to different rules and boundaries.

Work with, use and manipulate materials found in the natural environment.

Be taught to use tools in a safe and effective way.

Take ownership of the site, caring for, and learning to love, all aspects of the natural world.

Be provided with enjoyable and rewarding challenges.

Be encouraged to collaborate and persevere with tasks.
Our Forest School became a dedicated site in 2010. Following grants from the Forestry Commission, we were able to erect a simple wire fence. During building work, the builders created a mound with excess soil and this gave us some structure and interest to the site. Over the years, children have planted trees annually, usually ones we have been able to claim from the Woodland Trust. These have really matured in recent years and our site now is a spectacular addition to our learning space. Looking back at old photos and comparing to now allows the children to see how they have developed it. We hope children who come through Alveston get to look back on their time here, and our Forest School site, and know that they have had a hand in this legacy for generations to come.
Healthy Schools 2020
360 ES Mark
Artsmark Gold Award