Newsletter 20.05.22


20th May 2022

Aside from our Celebration Assembly, the highlight of the week was the Young Voices concert on Wednesday evening. Alveston joined hundreds of children from all over the West Midlands to form the largest school choir in the world! Celebrating its 25th anniversary, it was wonderful to take our children to be a part of this exciting evening. Fun was most certainly had by all! Read more about the event here. Next year we hope we can encourage even more of our children to join us!
Special thanks to Mrs Newitt for organising the event and to Mrs Watkins, Mrs Quainton Stubbs and Miss Dove for giving up their evenings to accompany the children.
This week we are also busy planning and rehearsing for our special Jubilee Celebration for the Generations on Friday 27th May. I do hope parents, grandparents and siblings will be able to join us for the performance at 12.30 followed by our family picnic. Don't forget to wear your red, white and blue!
In the meantime, I wish you a restful weekend.
Anne Clewley
Head Teacher
Getting Ready for our Jubilee Celebrations
This week our Reception children realised there was someone we had forgotten to invite to our Jubilee Celebration for the Generations - the Queen! As a result, they have been super busy writing her an invitation.

Above you can see the invitation they created. The children were so inspired and excited, that some of them decided to make some extra invites in their independent activity time too!

During our Art Club this week, the children made some pretty paper chains - red, white and blue, of course! - to start decorating the school.

The Queen's diary is probably already fully booked, but we cannot wait to welcome you all to our celebration!


Terrific Tudor Trip

This week, not only did we welcome a new pupil to Year 5 (Welcome Mary-Ann!) but the class also went on an exciting trip to Mary Arden's Farm as part of their Tudor topic. To see their photo highlights, click here.

Stars and House Point Cup Winners!
Star of the Week

Well done to this week's *Stars of the Week*!

Reception ~ Fraser

Year 1 ~ Beatrice C

Year 2 ~ Thomas F

Year 3 ~ Sammy

Year 4 ~ Molly

Year 5 ~ Freya

Year 6 ~ Tilda

Congratulations to all of our Stars! 

House Point Cup Winners
Congratulations to Charlecote Greens
Congratulations to Aileen Cowler!
You may remember we featured Aileen Cowler's fundraising page in a previous newsletter.  Aileen had decided to raise money for the Stroke Association in support of Y4's Oscar's family.
The challenge was to complete a 100km walk along the Jurassic Coast over 2 days. Sadly, Aileen was struck by injury and was only able to complete day 1. However, she still covered an amazing 58km (36 miles) -  the equivalent of climbing Mount Snowdon in metres! 
Aileen told us "Whilst I was sad not to complete the challenge, I am truly thrilled to have raised £1100 for the Stroke Association" 
Congratulations Aileen on fundraising such a phenomenal amount for the Stroke Association and for taking part in such a great challenge. We wish you a speedy recovery of your injury. 
Urgent: School Parking
We have received numerous complaints from neighbours, parents and carers regarding the safety of parking on Knights Lane and Oak Road.  Please can we remind everyone who drives to school, for safety of those who are walking, they should only be parking in the Football Club carpark and not anywhere else.  

Jubilee Celebration for Our Generations

Don't forget to check out the updates for our Jubilee Celebration on 27th May 2022! Follow this link for more information. Jubilee Celebration for Our Generations


Fitt4Kids May/June Half Term Holiday Club

Information can be found clicking here.


Roadworks - Tiddington Road

Severn Trent have informed us of Sewerage Improvement works due to start on Tiddington Road, from 16th May for 8 weeks.  For more information please visit our website clicking here.


Ordering School Uniform for September

In the last year we have set up two uniform suppliers SummitGB (shop in Stratford) and Brigade (online business based in Coventry) alongside our existing offering.  For more information, please visit our website by clicking here. We have been contacted by Brigade to let us know their last order date is 22nd July for guaranteed delivery before September.  We advise that parents actively source uniform as soon as possible to ensure they have it in time for September start.  Last year nationwide uniform suppliers were hit by unexpected Brexit and coronavirus delays.


Coronavirus within school

Please ensure all parents and carers wear masks when inside school buildings.

If your child tests positive for coronavirus, or has one or more of: temperature, continuous cough, loss of sense of smell or taste please keep them off school for a minimum of three days or until they are better after three days.  Please report all absences to the school office as below.


Sickness and Absence

Please let the school office know each day your child is absent from school by calling 01789 293412 and leaving a message.  You may also email  Exceptions include sickness, absences will be recorded 48 hours from the end of the day your child was last sick (i.e. If sick on Sunday, come back on Wednesday; if Tuesday come back on Friday) and COVID absences.  


Medicines in School

We cannot accept medicines in school without a prescription label and a medical form completed by a parent or carer.  Please ask the school office for more information and/or a form: 


Fitt4Kids before and after school clubs 

If you are interested in more information or signing up to Fitt4Kids before and after school clubs, please contact Simon directly: - 07731639980 -


Safer use of car park and on Knights Lane

Please continue to be mindful of parking and driving in the Football Club car park. Please do not park on Knights Lane for drops offs, the car park is safer for pedestrians as well as families loading and unloading into cars.


Music lessons in school

If you are interested in music lessons, please click here.  Warwickshire Music have waiting lists for Guitar, Piano, Flute and Violin, with a few additional pupils they may be able to arrange a teacher to come in, please let them know if you are interested in one of those instruments. 


Naming Items in school

Please ensure any items brought into school are named so they can be returned to your child if misplaced.  This includes uniform, water bottles, snack and lunch boxes, etc.


Are you eligible for Free School Meals?

Do you know if you are eligible for Free School Meals and other support?  To find out more, please click here to be redirected to our website.


 Key information

Don't forget to check our School News, by visiting: and click on the ‘News’ tab.  Alternatively, you can click on the ‘News’ tab on the App.  


Throughout the week lots of different organisations share their news and local activities.  These have been saved to 'Our Community' tab on our website and App.


If you are not set up on the e-schools App, and would like to, please email for assistance


Dates to remember this term
Week beginning 23rd May - Year 5 Arts Week
23rd May - Year 2 Trip to Sealife Centre
27th May - break up for half term
Week beginning 30th May - Half Term - Return to School Tuesday 7th June
6th June - Inset Day
7th June - Children return to school
9th June - Reception September 2022/2023 Parents Information Evening
21st June - Year 4 Trip to Bletchley Park
Week beginning 27th June - Online Safety Week
13th July - Year 6 Leavers' Play
Week beginning 18th July - Healthy School Week
19th July - Sports Day and Family Picnic
21st July - break up for summer holiday (Friday 22nd is a holiday)
Friends of Alveston fundraising dates are listed in the calendar, in addition to the above dates.  We are waiting for an update from Warwickshire County Council to confirm guidance..
To view our calendar with more information and dates, please click here.
Healthy Schools 2020
360 ES Mark
Artsmark Gold Award