HAF Music and Media Summer Programme

Our Community

Here details of our FREE summer Music & Media based 'Holiday & Food' programme (HAF) around to parents at the school, please find attached the poster with all the details on (both PDF and PNG formats). The programme is for Warwickshire youngsters aged 10-16 and is fully funded and organised by WCC. It is free for children who are in receipt of free school meals and their parents will have had HAF coupon/codes sent to them which they just need to indicate when booking. The programme is also open to non-HAF youngsters and parents just need to enquire for further details. 
This is a really important initiative as it not only provides youngsters with a meal each day, but also allows many of them to access musical opportunities which they might not ordinarily be able to afford to due to financial constraints. I'm sure you will agree that the programme is going to give some lucky children an incredible opportunity over the summer. 
Please would you be so kind as to forward this to the parents at your school early this week so that they are made aware of the opportunity ASAP as places are limited? I would very much appreciate it. 
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance. 
Kind regards
Clare Thomas
Stratford Music Network
Healthy Schools 2020
360 ES Mark
Artsmark Gold Award