Our School Mission
Alveston shines as a Centre of Excellence for Education.
As a team we have ambition and as a community we have shown our strength and passion knows no bounds. Together we will continue to build a school which delivers excellence in all that it does and seeks to support others to do the same.
Together we all SHINE.
Helping each other to Strive, be Happy, Inspire, Nurture and Excel in all that we do.
Our vision encapsulates ‘how we do things around here’; the way we work today and endeavour to work tomorrow.
Our School Values
- Kindness
- Community
- Honesty
- Curiosity
- Creativity
- Ambition
- Hope
Alveston CofE Primary School continues to seek to be a place where all children are given the opportunity to reach their full potential intellectually, socially, physically, creatively, emotionally and spiritually in a supportive, safe and stimulating atmosphere. We strive to give every child the opportunity to shine whilst developing the qualities of responsibility, self-discipline, independence and tolerance.
All children are encouraged to be members of a caring Christian community.
Rooted in the Bible
Our school vision, mission and values all stemmed from the work we have done with our community. We asked our children, parents, staff and governors to share with us their favourite bible texts which they felt should be the foundation of our education at Alveston.
We were inundated with suggestions and as a team, we shortlisted our favourite six. We took these to our community once again for our community to discuss and vote on their favourites. Three different texts and quotes held much importance for the Alveston Family. Our vision, mission and values are therefore rooted in these texts.:
- How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver. (Proverb 16:16)
- Let your light shine before people, so they see the good work you do and praise your Father who is in Heaven. Matthew 5:16
- I have come in order that you might have life – life in all it’s fullness (John 10:10)