WANTED: School Governance Professionals

Our Community

Warwickshire Governor Services run a successful clerking service for schools in the county and surrounding area. They wish to recruit additional School Governance Professionals (formerly known as Clerk to the Governing Board) to deliver a high-quality clerking service to schools, to meet demand.
Please follow this link for more information. The closing date is 24 January 2023.
There are several vacancies at the moment for this role. It is part time and extremely flexible, which would suit parents returning to work or those with a main role but with an interest in supporting their local school.
WGS are happy to have a conversation with anyone who is interested. Contact details are shown below: 
Catherine Chatterton, 

School Governance Professional

Tel: 01926 742674

Email: catherinechatterton@warwickshire.gov.uk

Working pattern: Monday-Thursday 9.30-2.30

Healthy Schools 2020
360 ES Mark
Artsmark Gold Award