19th May 2023
When we watch the world around us, it can be bewildering to children. Why, in comparison to the UK, do some countries seem to tolerate appalling behaviour, discriminate, harass others because they are different, perpetrate hate crimes or behave openly as an aggressor to other factions or countries? We have been exploring this whilst discussing our British Values.
This week the children asked to focus on the Rule of Law. We used a BBC assembly to guide our discussion on what would happen if we had no laws, or no rules. The BBC expected children to rejoice at the thought of throwing off the shackles! Following a video report and views from children, a head teacher and a judge, the expectation was that children would have a 'light bulb' moment and realise the importance laws and rules have in our lives. However, the BBC have not met the children of Alveston! From the get go the children articulated clearly why laws and rules are important for us all and how chaos would rule without them. “(Without laws and rules) people will just go around being mean to others”, “we wouldn’t be safe”, “people would run (in the corridors) and could hurt others”.
Part of our curriculum intent at Alveston is that all children leave us with a good moral compass, ready for the next stage in life. To understand at such a young age that our British, Christian and school values help our community to live safe, happy and healthy, our children are leading the way. Once again demonstrating how brightly they SHINE, our children truly make our hearts sing with pride!
Wishing you a weekend filled with peace, rest and beautiful sunshine,
Anne Clewley
Head Teacher
Congratulations to all of our Stars!
House Point Cup Winners
- Compost
- Long bamboo canes - 6 or 8 foot
- Vegetable plants
- Tomato plants
- Summer bedding plants
- Bee loving plants - lavender, nepeta, verbena
- Old pots
If you are interested in music lessons, please click here. Warwickshire Music have opened their waiting lists for: Piano, Violin, Oboe, Flute, Clarinet, Tenoroon/bassoon, Cello, Viola and Guitar (age restrictions apply to some instruments. Contact Warwickshire Music directly for more information or to sign up: https://www.warwickshiremusichub.org/ , or visit our website clicking here.
Please let the school office know each day your child is absent from school by calling 01789 293412 and leaving a message. You may also email parents3002@welearn365.com. You do not need to contact us daily if your child is sick. Absences for sickness will be recorded 48 hours from the end of the day your child was last sick (i.e. if sick on Sunday, come back on Wednesday; if Tuesday come back on Friday) nor for COVID absences.
Medicines in School
We cannot accept medicines in school without a prescription label and a medical form completed by a parent or carer. Please ask the school office for more information and/or a form: parents3002@welearn365.com.
Fitt4Kids before and after school clubs
If you are interested in more information or signing up to Fitt4Kids before and after school clubs, please contact Simon directly: fitt4kids@gmail.com - 07731639980 - http://fitt4kids.org.uk/
Naming Items in school
Please ensure any items brought into school are named so they can be returned to your child if misplaced. This includes uniform, water bottles, snack and lunch boxes, etc.
Are you eligible for Free School Meals?
Do you know if you are eligible for Free School Meals and other support? To find out more, please click here to be redirected to our website.
Key Information
Don't forget to check our School News by visiting: www.alvestoncofeprimary.co.uk and click on the ‘News’ tab. Alternatively, you can click on the ‘News’ tab on the App.
Throughout the week lots of different organisations share their news and local activities. These have been saved to 'Our Community' tab on our website and App.
If you are not set up on the e-schools App, and would like to, please email parents3002@welearn365.com for assistance.
22/5/23 Half-term Cup Presentation
14/6/23 New Reception Parents Information Evening
19/6/23 New Reception Settling sessions (week 1)
26/6/23 New Reception Settling sessions (week 2)
30/6/23 Learning Together Time (9:05-10am)
5/7/23 Transition Day
7/7/23 Summer Fayre
10/7/23 Y6 Leavers’ Play (4:30pm)
12-14/7/23 Y6 Residential Trip
17/7/23 Half-term Cup Presentation
17/7/23 Open Evening
18/7/23 Sports Day & Family Picnic
21/7/23 2022/23 Academic Year ends
21/7/23 Leavers’ Assembly
24-25/7/23 INSET DAYS (Children not in school)
4/9/23 2023/24 Academic Year starts
Friends of Alveston dates are also included in the website calendar.